Add all Eurovent meetings to your personal calendar (GEN - 1115.00)

New feature added to Eurovent Extranet

GEN - 1115.00. The Eurovent Team continuously receives and applies feedback from its members to further develop and improve the services related to our online portal. The Eurovent Extranet has recently gained a new feature, which allows members to download the Eurovent meetings directly into their personal calendar.


In the beginning of 2017, the Eurovent Association launched its Extranet with the aim to simplify document and information distribution tailor-made for members’ needs. The Eurovent Extranet allows members to register for working group meetings and download of all meeting preparatory documents.

New feature

The latest feature includes a button which allows members to download upcoming Eurovent meetings and events into their personal calendar. The downloadable .ics file is compatible with all calendar platforms (e.g. Outlook, – online, Google, Apple, or Yahoo). The feature works on desktop, as well as on portable devices (mobile phones or tablets).

Recommended Actions

Members are recommended to make use of the new feature and download the meetings into their personal calendar. This can be done via the button ‘Add to my calendar’ on each Eurovent meeting page on the Eurovent Extranet, as shown below.

Related documents and links

All related documents and articles can be found in the respective sections in the right sidebar.

  • GEN – 785.00 – The new Eurovent Extranet in a nutshell