Eurovent Legislation Database (GEN - 1049.00)

Tool on the Extranet allows easy access to all relevant EU legislation in one place

GEN - 1049.00. Eurovent offers the Legislation Database as one of the many features of the restricted section of its website. It collects all EU legislation of relevance for the HVACR industry in one place, including not only the regulatory texts, but also preparatory studies, impact assessments, review studies, references to harmonised standards, and European Commission guidelines and FAQ documents.

How to find and use the Legislation Database

Once you are logged in to the Eurovent Extranet, access the Legislation Database via the ‘My Eurovent’ tab on the top ribbon. Click on ‘Legislation Database’ in the dropdown menu, or access it via:

The Legislation Database is intuitive and easy to use. The documents are classified by subject (e.g. Energy Efficiency). Each subject contains the relevant legislative dossiers (e.g. Energy Labelling). In the legislative dossiers, you will find framework Regulations and Directives, and all the Product Group-specific documents by Lots.

Recommended Actions

Members are recommended to use the new Legislation Database to find all documents relevant to the legislative dossiers that are of interest to them. If you find that any document is missing, do not hesitate to get in touch with us via [email protected].

Related documents and links

All related documents and articles can be found in the respective sections in the right sidebar.

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