Monthly overview for members on recent developments

On a monthly basis, the Eurovent Team compiles a global overview of the latest developments concerning new standardisation activities and technical regulations of relevance for the HVACR industry. Our Notifications allow members to be prepare for developments that can have an impact on them and their products.

Pre-book an appointment through Calendly

From 13-16 March 2018, the 41st Mostra Convegno Expocomfort (MCE) is going to take place in Milan, Italy. Eurovent is proud to be the official partner association of Europe’s leading international HVACR exhibition. Our Team will be available to answer all your questions over the entire course of the exhibition. Visitors are now able to schedule an appointment with us right on our website through Calendly and meet us at the Lounge of our member association ANIMA while enjoying a great Italian coffee and finest food. 

Monthly overview for members on recent developments

On a monthly basis, the Eurovent Team compiles a global overview of the latest developments concerning new standardisation activities and technical regulations of relevance for the HVACR industry. Our Notifications allow members to be prepare for developments that can have an impact on them and their products.

Monthly overview for members on recent developments

On a monthly basis, the Eurovent Team compiles a global overview of the latest developments concerning new standardisation activities and technical regulations of relevance for the HVACR industry. Our Notifications allow members to be prepare for developments that can have an impact on them and their products.

Eurovent members from certain countries enjoy benefits such as free airport hotel accommodation, fairground transfers and B2B Meetings

The exhibition ISK-SODEX Istanbul 2018 has confirmed that its Buyer Delegation Programme received the support of the Turkish Ministry of Economy and is going to be organised by the Turkish HVAC&R Exporters' Union (ISIB). In 2016, many Eurovent members made use of this opportunity and the various benefits offered.

Seminar to explain how to select EN ISO 16890 rated air filter classes for general ventilation applications while making effective use of its Indoor Air Quality potential

On Tuesday, 23 January 2018 from 13:30-14:30h (Brussels time), the Eurovent Association is going to host a Webinar on its new Recommendation 4/23 (2017) on the “Selection of EN ISO 16890 rated air filter class for general ventilation applications”. All HVAC professionals dealing with ventilation systems are invited to join, independent from their Eurovent membership. After a general introduction, participants are invited to ask questions. The registration procedure is provided within the article.

Eurovent Recommendation 4/23 constitutes a comprehensive guideline, which supports a swift transition away from EN 779 while making full use of potential EN ISO 16890 offers in terms of Indoor Air Quality

Brussels, 14 December 2017. The Eurovent Association has officially released the first edition of its long-awaited code of good practice Eurovent 4/23 (2017) on the “Selection of EN ISO 16890 rated air filter classes for general ventilation applications”. The publication is addressed to all HVAC professionals dealing with ventilation systems, particularly design consultants, facility managers and manufacturers of equipment incorporating air filters. It was jointly developed by participants of the Product Group ‘Air Filters’ (PG-FIL).

Monthly overview for members on recent developments

On a monthly basis, the Eurovent Team compiles a global overview of the latest developments concerning new standardisation activities and technical regulations of relevance for the HVACR industry. Our Notifications allow members to be prepare for developments that can have an impact on them and their products.

Learn what our multinational experts can do for your organisation

The Eurovent Association’s Team members are recognised as valued experts possessing an in-depth knowledge on European legislative issues, standardisation, industrial developments, internationalisation, digital transformation processes and related areas of relevance for the HVACR sector. Our experts not only provide sound and quick answers to issues our members and partners are facing, but also support their events with keynote speeches, presentations, and hands-on seminars. Learn what we can do for you in this members-only article. 

Monthly overview for members on recent developments

On a monthly basis, the Eurovent Team compiles a global overview of the latest developments concerning new standardisation activities and technical regulations of relevance for the HVACR industry. Our Notifications allow members to be prepare for developments that can have an impact on them and their products.
