A new tool to simulate the indoor particulate matter pollution in relation to the chosen supply air filter quality

In this technical paper, Mr Tobias Zimmer, VP – Product Management and International Standards at Camfil shares some insight on Comfort IAQ. Many factors are rather well known for their ability to create a good indoor air climate, but when it comes to airborne particles, there is no great deal of documentation to consult and set requirements. Nor are there much of other specific guidelines. The new, product-neutral and free online calculation tool “Comfort IAQ” helps to understand the mechanisms behind IAQ and gives a good indication on what would be the impact on indoor air quality (IAQ) due to air exchange, outdoor air environment, air filter selection and building envelope characteristics

Eurovent Recommendation 4/23 constitutes a comprehensive guideline, which supports a swift transition away from EN 779 while making full use of potential EN ISO 16890 offers in terms of Indoor Air Quality

Brussels, 14 December 2017. The Eurovent Association has officially released the first edition of its long-awaited code of good practice Eurovent 4/23 (2017) on the “Selection of EN ISO 16890 rated air filter classes for general ventilation applications”. The publication is addressed to all HVAC professionals dealing with ventilation systems, particularly design consultants, facility managers and manufacturers of equipment incorporating air filters. It was jointly developed by participants of the Product Group ‘Air Filters’ (PG-FIL).