Second edition of ‘HVACR Leadership Series’ in Dubai saw high-ranking experts sharing their knowledge in this sector

Dubai, 1 November 2017. Close to 100 people have attended Eurovent Middle East’s second ‘HVACR Leadership Workshop’ at the Le Meridien Dubai Airport hotel, which put a focus on Commercial Refrigeration. Together with the participants, leading experts from the UAE and Europe have elaborated on how to achieve a higher food safety and cost savings through state-of-the-art refrigeration technologies. 

Next edition of Europe’s HVACR flagship event to take place in Seville, Spain

Madrid, 26 June 2017. During a dedicated meeting in Madrid, representatives of AEFYT (Spanish Association for Refrigeration Technology), AFEC (Spanish Association for Manufacturers of Air Conditioning Equipment) and the Eurovent Association have signed an agreement to jointly organise the 2018 Eurovent Summit. It was announced that the next edition of Europe’s major gathering for Indoor Climate (HVAC), Process Cooling, and Food Cold Chain Technologies is going to take place in Seville, Spain, from 25 to 28 September.

The Systemair Managing Director looks back at 30+ years of experience in the region

Dubai, 22 January 2017. During a General Meeting at The H Hotel in Dubai, UAE, the first-ever chairmanship elections of Eurovent Middle East took place. The issue group’s more than 25 member companies have elected Mr Brian Suggitt (Managing Director Middle East, Systemair AB) as their Chairman. With Michel Farah (Director Corporate Environmental and Social Responsibility, Daikin Middle East and Afrika FZE), Georges Hoeterickx (Director Business Development, Evapco Europe BVBA) and Matthias Kasprowicz (Managing Director, TROX Middle East llc), Suggitt is going to be supported by three highly experienced Vice-Chairmen.
