Interpretation article 15 of the F-Gas Regulation 517/2014

Pre-charged equipment exported outside the European Union is included in the quota system set up by F-Gas Regulation 2014/517. A consequence is that the quota available in Europe is reduced by those exported. The Commissioner Cañete had reiterated in April that the exemption in article 15 applies to bulk gases only. This has been reconfirmed on 20 June in the answer to the question asked by the Member of Parliament (MEP) Tamburrano on 21 March.

Illegal imports higher than believed according to EIS study, declaration for 2020 quota to be made between 17 June and 17 July 2019

During the recent F-Gas Roundtable it was assumed that most illegal refrigerants relate to automotive air conditioning. The recent report by the Environmental Investigation Agency EIA shows that, according to customs declarations, the issue of illegal imports in Europe is more widespread than previously estimated.

Implementing Regulation on electronic registry published on 25 April 2019

The Regulation 2019/661 provides details for the smooth functioning of the electronic registry for quota. It contains an update regarding refusal, suspension and cancellation of registrations to avoid abuse by beneficial owners that apply for quota.

Update on F-Gas price evolution monitoring by Öko-Recherche

The F-Gas industry roundtable, organised by EPEE, brings together at regular intervals stakeholders to discuss progress in implementing the F-Gas Regulation. About 60 stakeholders attended the roundtable. As usual, the Öko-Recherche report was useful.

Interpretation article 15 of the F-Gas Regulation 517/2014

Pre-charged equipment exported outside the European Union is included in the quota system set up by F-Gas Regulation 2014/517. A consequence is that the quota available in Europe is reduced by those exported. The Commissioner Cañete has recently reiterated that the exemption in article 15 applies to bulk gases only.

In the context of better regulation on F-Gas quota, the Commission is collecting feedback of all interested parties within 4 weeks. The consultation is open until 20 March 2019, and the provided feedback will be considered for finalising the regulation.

Successful exchange on the progress of the F-Gas Regulation

The F-Gas industry roundtable, organised by EPEE, brings together at regular intervals stakeholders to discuss progress in implementing the F-gas Regulation. In addition to a report on communication activities the issue of illegal imports of refrigerants was addressed. About 60 stakeholders attended the roundtable.

Update on recent publications

The F-Gas Regulation encourages the adoption of alternatives to high GWP refrigerants. The European Commission has funded the project REAL Alternatives learning programme, which provides information in 15 languages on the safe use of alternatives such as ammonia, hydrocarbon, carbon dioxide and low flammables. REAL Alternatives is a mix of e-learning, face-to-face training materials, practical exercises, assessments and an e-library of learning resources that groups the knowledge and expertise from across Europe about alternative refrigerants. 

Guidance for importers of Pre-Charged Equipment

In many countries, questions are asked about the auditors authorised by the Regulation 517/2014 on the emissions of Fluorinated Greenhouse Gases, as well as about the obligations, thresholds, timing, etc. The obligations include reporting above certain thresholds (Importers of substances as well as equipment), Declaration of Conformity (since 01/01/2018) for pre-charged equipment, and quotas above a CO2eq threshold and for imports under certain conditions.

Commission confirms targets to achieve the phase-down

On 6 March 2018, the third F-Gas Consultation Forum took place. The European Commission presentation highlighted that the price increases of F-Gases are well within range. The commitment to the phase-down was confirmed.