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Commercial and industrial refrigeration tends to fall by the wayside in the transformation towards greener technologies, despite major technological advancements in the sector offering greater opportunity for more energy savings and reduced operational costs. Eurovent Middle East digs deeper.

Webinar presents Industry Recommendation on the Ecodesign and Energy Labelling requirements for refrigeration appliances with a direct sales function

The recent Expert Webinar hosted by the Eurovent Association, presented an overview on the recommendations by the industry to bridge the gap between regulatory requirements of the new Ecodesign and Energy Labelling measures while taking into consideration market conditions and realities in Europe.

Position Paper outlines benefits and implications of introducing mandatory building inspection activities

Eurovent Middle East has published a Position Paper outlining the socio-economic benefits of introducing a mandatory building inspection regime in the UAE. In light of numerous efforts by government, industries and professional organisations to increase energy efficiency and the countries dependency on cooling and refrigeration, the association suggests giving HVACR installations in the current building stock particular attention.