European HVACR industry shares EU ambition to decarbonise by 2050

Last Wednesday, 11 December, the European Commission presented the European Green Deal, an ambitious package of policy measures geared towards making Europe the first climate-neutral continent by 2050. With bold investments in green technologies, boosts to innovation, and support for climate friendly industries, the policy package offers new growth perspectives for businesses in the European HVACR sector, and the potential to bolster the position of our industry as global leaders in clean and sustainable products.

Tool on the Extranet allows easy access to all relevant EU legislation in one place

Eurovent offers the Legislation Database as one of the many features of the restricted section of its website. It collects all EU legislation of relevance for the HVACR industry in one place, including not only the regulatory texts, but also preparatory studies, impact assessments, review studies, references to harmonised standards, and European Commission guidelines and FAQ documents. 

Bulletin provides comprehensive overview on all European legislative developments for members

In cooperation with Orgalim, the Eurovent Team regularly provides you with an in-depth overview on all European legislative developments of relevance for the HVACR sector. The Bulletin provides for a hands-on compendium allowing the industry to assess the status quo and expected future developments. In addition to recent sector specific issues, our Team has summarised some of the key takeaways within this article.

Bulletin provides comprehensive overview on all European legislative developments for members

In cooperation with Orgalim, the Eurovent Team regularly provides you with an in-depth overview on all European legislative developments of relevance for the HVACR sector. The Bulletin provides for a hands-on compendium allowing the industry to assess the status quo and expected future developments. In addition to recent sector specific issues, our Team has summarised some of the key takeaways within this article. 

Agreement on the final text, publication to follow

After five trilogue meetings (Commission, Council, European Parliament), an agreement was reached, and the publication of the Regulation is expected by April or May. The Regulation would allow for the use of results of joint actions between Market Surveillance Authorities and others (including industry associations) for further investigations.

Possible role of market operators reduced to cooperation in awareness campaigns

The initial draft by the Commission provided for a possible active role for organisations representing businesses. The text that is now discussed in the trialogue meetings (Commission, Council and Parliament) is merely referring to raising awareness and providing advice and guidance in relation to EU harmonisation legislation in the framework of a cooperation between market surveillance authorities and organisations representing businesses. 

Energy Efficiency Directive, Renewable Energy Sources Directive and Governance of the Energy Union published

As announced in GEN – 973.00, these revised directives have been published in the Official Journal on 21 December 2018. The entry into force of theses texts was on 24 December 2018.

Bulletin provides comprehensive overview on all European legislative developments for members

In cooperation with Orgalime, the Eurovent Team regularly provides you with an in-depth overview on all European legislative developments of relevance for the HVACR sector. The Bulletin provides for a hands-on compendium allowing the industry to assess the status quo and expected future developments. In addition to recent sector specific issues, our Team has summarised some of the key takeaways within this article. 

Energy Efficiency Directive, Renewable Energy Sources Directive and Governance of the Energy Union adopted

Publication of all three revised directives in the Official Journal is scheduled on 21 December. The 2030 targets set out in the revised Energy Efficiency Directive are 32,5%. The revised Renewable Energy Sources Directive has a binding collective target of 32% of energy that shall come from renewable energy sources.

Bulletin provides comprehensive overview on all European legislative developments for members

In cooperation with Orgalime, the Eurovent Team regularly provides you with an in-depth overview on all European legislative developments of relevance for the HVACR sector. The Bulletin provides for a hands-on compendium allowing the industry to assess the status quo and expected future developments. In addition to recent sector specific issues, our Team has summarised some of the key takeaways within this article.